Quinsigamond Community College

"Every Second Counts" Training Sessions

Written by Quinsig Wyvern | Sep 13, 2018 3:30:24 PM

FREE Hands-Only CPR & Stop the Bleed Training

Quinsigamond Community College is pleased to support the American Heart Association, American College of Surgeons and the Department of Defense and Homeland Security with important FREE training sessions. This combined effort is a mission to raise awareness and increase survival from cardiac arrest and life threatening bleeding following everyday emergencies.

Did you know that in a cardiac arrest, every second counts and a person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes?

Incidents where victims have had a cardiac arrest or bled out and died before first-responders got to them are becoming more frequent. In an emergency situation, no matter how quick the arrival of emergency professionals, bystanders will always be the first on the scene. The only thing more tragic than a death, is a death that could have been prevented.

The Senior Nursing students in the Advanced Placement Nurse Education Program will be offering free demonstrations of these basic, life-saving techniques. We’re asking all members within our community to please take a few minutes of your day to make a difference. Learning these skills could make YOU the difference in an emergency.

If you see something, you could do something. YOU could save a life.

Interested? See below for dates and times. Bring a friend! Can't make it? Watch the videos and TELL a friend :)

Date: Location: Time:
Wednesday, September 19
HLC Carberry Gallery
10:30 am-1:30 pm
Wednesday, September 19
Quad &Admin Bldg (Revolving doors)
10:30 am-1:30 pm
Thursday, September 20
HLC Carberry Gallery
10:00 am-1:30 pm
Thursday, September 20
Quad &
Admin Bldg (Revolving doors)
10:00 am-1:30 pm
Thursday, September 27
HLC Carberry Gallery &
Admin Bldg (Revolving doors)
12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Thursday, September 27
Athletic Center - Upper Exercise Area
12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Monday, October 15
Quad &
Admin Bldg (Revolving doors)
3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Monday, October 15
Athletic Center - Upper Exercise Area
3:00 pm-6:00 pm

Please take a minute to watch and share the following videos: