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QCC News, Events and Info

National Pet Appreciation Week

Jun 7, 2018 1:04:16 PM / by Gina Ciprari


Pictured: Adelaide Ciprari

Some of you may already know that this week (June 3-9) is National Pet Appreciation Week! If you're an animal lover, you probably also know the health benefits of being a pet parent. Sure, they don't have jobs or cars to get their own food or drive themselves to the vet. They don't have opposable thumbs to clean up after themselves or open the door when they want to go outside... BUT they DO have so many amazing qualities that none of that seems to matter. 

So the next time you're cleaning the litter box or walking your pup in a torrential downpour, just remember the ways they help to improve your life and reduce stress. 

Someone to Greet you at the Door

When you get home from a long day at school, picking up the kids or a late-night shift at work, what's better than that wiggly puppy tummy or wagging fluffy tail racing to greet you at the door? We can't think of anything... that's pretty much the best thing ever! 

Someone to Talk to

OK, you don't have to say it out loud but you know you do it. We talk to them in ridiculous voices and incessantly ask them questions that they will NEVER have the ability to answer... "Who's the cutest dog in the world?", "Why are you so cute?", "How come your feet smell like Fritos?" The simple fact that they have never answered ONE of your questions is pretty much a guarantee that you can tell them ANYTHING and they will NEVER tell a soul... especially the cat. 

Walking Buddy

If your four-legged friend is a canine, then you know how walks work. Sometimes you want to go and sometimes you'd rather they curl up with you and watch the rain from the comfort of the couch. Unfortunately (and fortunately), these guys (or gals) aren't going to let you off the hook. When it's time to go, it's time to GO! I don't know about you, but I have never seen ANYONE or anything  so excited to exercise. Dogs encourage you to get up and get outside, get your heart rate up and in-turn, improve your overall health and reduce stress. 

We know our students work hard with work, school, parenting, pet parenting and more. And we also know that they appreciate their pets. Tell us who your best furry friends are... and why they deserve to be appreciated... not just this week, but every week. :)

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Topics: Community College, pets, dogs, cats, national pet appreciation week, stress reducation

Gina Ciprari

Written by Gina Ciprari

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