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QCC News, Events and Info

Gina Ciprari

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What are "Middle-Skills"?

If you've heard the term "middle-skills" recently and wondered what it was, you are probably not alone. Middle-skills jobs are the ones that require more than a high school diploma, but less than a Bachelor degree.

Right now, in Massachusetts, these jobs account for 46% of the labor market; however, only 35% of the workforce is actually trained for these jobs.

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National Peanut Butter Cookie Day!

OK, so it might not exactly be 'baking weather' outside, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy a good peanut butter cookie... right? Whether you bake them up yourself, swing through your favorite bakery or grab a package off the grocery store shelf, National Peanut Butter Cookie Day is a good excuse to indulge.

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National Pet Appreciation Week

Pictured: Adelaide Ciprari

Some of you may already know that this week (June 3-9) is National Pet Appreciation Week! If you're an animal lover, you probably also know the health benefits of being a pet parent. Sure, they don't have jobs or cars to get their own food or drive themselves to the vet. They don't have opposable thumbs to clean up after themselves or open the door when they want to go outside... BUT they DO have so many amazing qualities that none of that seems to matter. 

So the next time you're cleaning the litter box or walking your pup in a torrential downpour, just remember the ways they help to improve your life and reduce stress. 

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Recipe from Food Service Management Students

Have you ever made your own cheese? Try this Farmers Cheese Spread recipe from our Food Service Management students.

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