Writing in an age of pandemics, topics abound. Whether it is trying to offer a word of encouragement, looking towards the future, or tackling challenges, the options abound. Finding the words, however, can be a bit harder. In the past months, I’ve shared with you some of my experiences, celebrated our accomplishments, and tried to address topics relevant to this moment, such as racism, equity, strategic planning, critical thinking, and leadership. With the pandemic continuing to rage havoc, the uncertainty of economic recovery, the continuing struggle against racism, and a growing equity gap, it is hard to imagine the future. Sometimes it seems we are living a bad version of the movie “Ground Hog Day.” For the next few weeks, I hope to offer some insights rooted in my life journey that I hope are relevant to our lives in this age of pandemics and might help us navigate these difficult days.
Jul 21, 2020 4:27:54 PM / by Dr. Luis G. Pedraja posted in Community College, stress reducation, Dr. Luis Pedraja, virtual
Pictured: Adelaide Ciprari
Some of you may already know that this week (June 3-9) is National Pet Appreciation Week! If you're an animal lover, you probably also know the health benefits of being a pet parent. Sure, they don't have jobs or cars to get their own food or drive themselves to the vet. They don't have opposable thumbs to clean up after themselves or open the door when they want to go outside... BUT they DO have so many amazing qualities that none of that seems to matter.
So the next time you're cleaning the litter box or walking your pup in a torrential downpour, just remember the ways they help to improve your life and reduce stress.
Jun 7, 2018 1:04:16 PM / by Gina Ciprari posted in Community College, pets, dogs, cats, national pet appreciation week, stress reducation