QCC has moved our job board to Handshake for hiring events, career fairs, job postings, internships, resume critique and to schedule appointments with Career Services & Credit for Prior Learning. All of the Massachusetts Community Colleges are using Handshake, which means that current QCC students and alumni will have access to even more jobs, events, career and interview tips and networking opportunities.
Aug 24, 2021 10:41:59 AM / by Quinsig Wyvern posted in Community College, career, credit for prior learning, alumni, students, resume, interview
Wow...what a difference a few weeks can make! You may have been all set to move into your dorm and begin your fall semester, only to find the college or university you were planning to attend has switched course and is no longer offering in-person classes. There won’t be any campus events, masks must be worn at all times if you leave your dorm room, and the threat of an outbreak feels imminent. College looks nothing like you anticipated, and it seems rather tempting to take the year off. You might want to think twice on this one… taking a gap year is likely a decision that may have more consequences, particularly during a pandemic, than you think.
Aug 18, 2020 2:59:49 PM / by Quinsig Wyvern posted in Community College, career, high school, students, pandemic, gap year
We have all been inundated with new terms, phrases and rules of interaction as we quarantine and slowly reintegrate activities we previously may have taken for granted. As we acclimate to our new habits (remembering your mask), we also must look at our new ways of doing things with ever-changing rules often have a learning curve. Until then, we continue to figure it out as we go along. One big change has been higher education and how classes are now being delivered.
Jul 22, 2020 12:20:32 PM / by Quinsig Wyvern posted in Community College, career, Fall Semester, online classes, remote learning
Hirul and Dilip Patel
You many have heard people discuss the special bond that often happens between a father and daughter. For many, the bond is something that cannot accurately be described but is nonetheless unbreakable.
If you've heard the term "middle-skills" recently and wondered what it was, you are probably not alone. Middle-skills jobs are the ones that require more than a high school diploma, but less than a Bachelor degree.
Right now, in Massachusetts, these jobs account for 46% of the labor market; however, only 35% of the workforce is actually trained for these jobs.
Jun 14, 2018 1:38:46 PM / by Gina Ciprari posted in college, middle skills, associate degree, certificate, career, training