Succeeding in college is more than books, studying, quizzes and lectures... although that's a big part of it. Successful students learn how to prepare themselves for the daily challenges and adjustments that go beyond the classroom. Should you cook dinner first or get some reading out of the way? Meet with your study group or hit the books solo? There's a lot of decisions to make and being prepared ahead of time is a good way to set yourself up for success. Your educational journey is just that... a journey. Any well thought out trip or journey starts with a map and knowing the best and most efficient way of getting from point A to point B. Attending an orientation is an important step in mapping out that journey in the most efficient manner possible.
Did you know that students who attend orientation have improved chances of succeeding in college? It's true. With an increase in first generation college students, a more diverse student population, and a widening age range, transitioning to college life can leave first-time students feeling overwhelmed. Where do I get my student ID? How do I access and learn the online tools before assignments begin? Parking, cafeteria, academic course calendar, library hours and a host of other questions. Getting those "little" things out of the way before the first day of class can alleviate the stress of going to school for the first time, or back to school after a long time.
Need more convincing? How about meeting some of the friendly faces you can look forward to seeing on a daily basis? Classmates, administrators, student life staff and many others you will cross paths with on campus. Get to know your way around, learn about clubs and activities, disability services, Veteran Affairs, athletics, counseling and so much more. The additional perks that come along with your new student status go well beyond a free gym membership and student discounts.
Show up on day one feeling confident that you have completed your first 'assignment' and a feeling of familiarity.
Here Are Six Reasons To Attend Orientation:
- Nice to meet you! Get introduced to campus resources, activities and services
- Friends forever? Study buddies? Opportunities to connect with fellow students
- Know where you're going... in-depth campus tours of resources and class locations
- Make it official, get your student ID and parking sticker
- You're in it to win it! Raffle prizes
- And last, but certainly not least... a FREE LUNCH
Before You Attend:
- Make sure you have a class schedule (you will need this to get your student ID)
- Make sure you have registered for a date to attend
Have we talked you into it? Register for an Orientation Session today!