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QCC News, Events and Info

Help End Domestic Violence

Aug 30, 2021 10:17:33 AM / by Quinsig Wyvern

Seeing someone you know or love experience domestic violence can be scary, and starting the conversation can be difficult as well. Men or women going through a difficult time may not want to discuss the abuse they’re experiencing for any number of reasons, including fear, shame, or even concern for their partner who has abusive behavior. Quinsigamond Community College is committed to providing victims and survivors of domestic violence confidential resources right here on campus.

The Human Service Program and the Dean of Compliance office have partnered with the YWCA of Central MA and their domestic violence educators to get peer advocates trained and certified to help their peers as well as members of the community. Interested students will attend 8 virtual workshops to earn their certification, they must attend all 8 sessions. Once certified, they will serve as a resource for domestic violence on campus and in the community.

Domestic violence (also known as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or Partner Abuse) is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual or financial abuse to impact someone else's thoughts, actions and beliefs without their consent. Domestic violence is pervasive, life-threatening, and affects millions of individuals across the United States regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, education, gender identity, or sexual orientation. While factors such as substance abuse, financial stress and unemployment, and illness may exacerbate existing abusive behavior, they do not cause domestic violence. However, they are often used as excuses to allow violent behavior to go unchecked - sometimes resulting in fatalities.

Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence, but the most marginalized members of our society -people of color, individuals and families who are low income, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ+ folks, people with physical and/or mental disabilities, immigrants, refugees, women, and children - are at the greatest risk. In Massachusetts, 1 in 3 women & 1 in 5 men report having experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

Every single person who is trained as resource for victims and survivors can make a difference. Liz Woods (QCC Dean of Compliance) and Brenda Safford (QCC Coordinator of Human Services) partnered with YWCA facilitators and created the Student Peer Advocates for Domestic Violence for QCC in Fall 2018. So far, the club has trained 25 students and is seeking additional recruits for the Fall 2021 semester. If we work together we can increase the amount of resources available for classmates and community members. Are you ready to help us help others in need? Become a peer advocate today. See below for virtual training schedule and email to sign up!

The trainings will be on Thursdays from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. 

  • September 30
  • October 7
  • October 14
  • October 21
  • October 28
  • November 4
  • November 18
  • December 2

To register for training, please email your name, address, student ID and telephone number to Brenda or Liz:

Topics: Community College, domestic violence, free training, student support

Quinsig Wyvern

Written by Quinsig Wyvern

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